Issues Running Honeybee and Radiance Commands

Hello everyone,

Firstly, I’d like to express my gratitude for taking the time to go through my extensive query and I’m not good at English. After trying by myself and search on Ladybug Tools forumI finally decide to create a new topic for my problem. I’m currently a student at the Department Of Civil and Construction Engineering, and I’ve embarked on a journey with Honeybee Radiance simulations. However, this hasn’t been smooth sailing.

To highlight the primary issues:

  • I’ve discovered multiple paths for rfluxmtx on my system, which I believe might be a root cause for conflicts.
  • During my debugging process, I opted to test using the sample “” from the ladybug-tools-1-6-0 folder. The reason being, the error logs mirrored those of my project. Alarmingly, both “” and “” from honeybee-radiance faltered post-recipe execution.
  • The logs consistently indicated issues with rfluxmtx and TotalSky tasks, especially around matrix loading. The repetitive “rcontrib: fatal - unexpected EOF on input” errors, coupled with high warning of cannot load matrix, further intensified my suspicions. Specifically, these paths caught my attention:
    • C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\radiance\bin\rfluxmtx.exe
    • C:\Radiance\bin\rfluxmtx.exe
    • C:\Program Files\Solemma\Common\Radiance\bin_64\rfluxmtx.exe

While I’ve come across similar issues in various forums, I’ve not been able to discern a clear correlation. My troubleshooting journey has been extensive:

  • Post-installation of Radiance from GitHub, I encountered an ‘environment path too long’ error. Thus, I manually set the “bin” environment path to %PATH% and “lib” to %RAYPATH%. This enabled me to invoke the associated package via cmd.
  • I’ve tested running Rhino 7 as an administrator, even signing into Windows with an admin account sans firewall.
  • My initial approach involved using ladybug-tool 1.6.0 from Food4Rhino. I attempted an upgrade from within Grasshopper, synchronized the recipe, but to no avail. This led me to try the plugins_release_PollinationGHInstaller-1.35.6 after a comprehensive uninstallation of ladybug-tool 1.6.0.
  • I’ve ensured there are no white spaces in my file paths, barring “Program Files”.
  • The project unit is set to meters, and I’m aware of potential errors with small models. I’ve also been cautious with the annual simulation time, keeping it between 8 am to 5 pm.
  • My attempts to streamline included using the relative paths component from metahopper and adjusting the simulation path using the HB recipe settings. Sadly, these didn’t enhance the outcome.
  • I am sure I close other project and windows explore to keep the file can read and write.
  • Recipe can run currently on my school’s computer.

A lingering thought is perhaps an oversight during the update process. Alternatively, my laptop, running on Windows 11 Beta channel with an initial non-English default system language (which I later switched to English), might be contributing to these anomalies. Actually annual daylight simulation like ClimateStudio from Solemma cannot work currently too. The last thing I though is system permissions problem.

annual_daylight simulation files

There are some of my result and screenshots. Your insights, suggestions, or any form of guidance will be invaluable to me. Once again, thank you for your patience and assistance!

Hi @kenlin7678 ,

Given the log file at your google drive link, I would guess that one of your other Radiance installations is being used by the simulation because it comes first in your PATH. And this Radiance installation is old and not compatible with the current Ladybug Tools.

I would either remove all Radaince installations from the PATH of your computer and restart
Make sure that the C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\radiance\bin appears first in your PATH before any other Radiance installations.

Everything in LBT is designed to work even when there is no Radiance installation the PATH. So clearing all Radiance installation folders out of there is the quickest way to fix it. The PATH can be powerful if you know how to use it but with great power comes great responsibility.

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Hi @chris ,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to extend my sincere gratitude for guiding me through the initial troubleshooting steps for the Radiance-related issue I encountered. Based on your suggestions, I conducted a detailed debug analysis and shared the findings here.

I took the following steps:
Removed all software, plugins, and system environment paths related to Radiance.
Reinstalled Ladybug Tools using the PollinationGHInstaller.
Ensured that “C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\radiance\bin” is at the top of all system paths.

Log Examination: I examined the logs and identified a potential permissions issue. A task, possibly labeled “5”, wasn’t granted the required permissions by a scheduler. This might be affecting the overall operation.
Additional Observations: The gendaymtx tool issued warnings about unusually bright conditions for specific dates and times. This might be influencing the daylight simulation results.
Failed Tasks: Some tasks, notably “TotalSky”, failed during execution. This could be linked to the permissions problem or other underlying issues.

Actually the content of log file is almost as same as the previous one. I am currently looking into the scheduler’s configuration to understand why the task was denied permission. Additionally, I’m examining the “TotalSky” task more closely to address its failure.

If you have any insights or suggestions based on these findings, they would be incredibly valuable. Particularly, any guidance on the permissions issue would be greatly appreciated.

In closing, thank you once again for your assistance and patience throughout this process. Your expertise has been indispensable, and I am genuinely grateful for your support.

I also update the log files after fixing the path problem and my system environment path content preview. Thank you again.
annual_daylight simulation files

Best regards,

Hi @kenlin7678 ,

I think you might be getting confused by a lot of the warnings in the log file, which are not the reason for the simulation failure and they can be safely ignored. The traceback of the errors might also be confusing. The real error is right here:

Radiance rcontrib is failing to run because it is receiving an invalid input.

I am starting to wonder if you are running the correct version of the Python libraries. Can you type the following from Command line:

"C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\python.exe" -m pip show honeybee_radiance

If everything is correct, you should see that the version of the library is 1.65 or above like so:

Hi @chris ,

Thank you for your detailed and insightful response. I appreciate your patience and guidance in this matter.

Following your suggestion, I checked the version of the honeybee_radiance library. Here are the details I retrieved:

It seems I am running the correct version, as you mentioned.

Thank you once again for pointing me in the right direction. If you have any further advice or steps I should undertake, please let me know.

Best regards,