Ladybug and Honeybee Components Not Working Without GHPython


I’m encountering a frustrating issue where my Ladybug and Honeybee (LB HB) components in Grasshopper aren’t functioning unless I load GHPython. However, loading GHPython causes Rhino 8 to crash, preventing me from using Grasshopper altogether.

  • Rhino Version: 8
  • Ladybug Tools Version: 1.8.0 (latest)
  • Error: LB HB components display errors (see attached images) without GHPython.
  • Crash: Rhino crashes upon loading GHPython.


Could you please help me solve this issue so I can use Ladybug and Honeybee without GHPython causing crashes? If you need any additional information or error logs, please let me know.

Thank you!