I’ve been working on my Dissertation when I found this fine tool and many thanks to Mostafa, it’s been very helpful.
Well, what I am working on is a kinetic facade (kinetic shading system) which tracks the sun to cast shadow and/or produce electricity (using PV panels) more efficiently. However, my problem is that the facade follows the sun movement manually and I cannot have the whole day or month analysis since the analysis are done based either on Series component or Intervals, but my shading system moves based on the sun vector and time of the day. What I’m trying to say is that the geometry input for Ladybug components cannot change respective to the time.
What I need is Ladybug to be able to get the appropriate geometry as it changes, and uses that geometry according to the time which the given geometry belongs to! For example, the shadings change their local angle every hour as sun moves; also, they move around the building (from east to south and then to west facades) as sun changes its location accordingly. Therefore, the analysis results should be based on the geometry respective to the time and location of the sun.
I don’t know if I could explain the issue well enough, so if you think more explanation may help please do not hesitate to ask. I would appreciate any help or hint.
I’m not sure if I fully understand what are you exactly looking for in your study. Do you want to run radiation analysis for each hour of the year for a dynamic shading? If that is the case then you need to animate a slider for each hour of the year and export the result to an external file. You should be able to read the result back for visualization.
Thanks a lot for your response, but I don’t think that’s the case, or if it is I didn’t get it. Attached is the file I am working on right now (my apologies for it is so messy). There is one “Nemed View” called “Sun Path 2” saved where you may change the “hour” slider and see how the facade would react respectively. I do not need radiation analysis (it would be great if I could have it though) and “Sunlight Hour Analysis” would be enough for me. Also, I only need to be able to run a day long analysis not a year around (again if I could have it, it would be great). Right now however, I’m stuck where I still have to work on facade’s movements but I do not know whether I would be able to evaluate them. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at the file and see if you could come up with a solution. By the way, it’s not important, but I work on Los Angeles weather file. kheili az lotfet mamnonam.
I checked the attached file. I think it will be much easier to understand what are you looking for if you can comment the file and clearly indicate what/where is the question. Do you need help to create shadings geometries?
Dear mostapha,
First of all, Thank you for your reply as always and sorry for bothering you , I am working on my PHD on kinetic facades. so I have some questions
Is there is any component for doing daylight simulation for the kinetic shading right? or I should each time fix an angle and do the simulation? it could not be done for different angles parametrically without fixing the angle?
I have seen in HB components named : "HONEYBEE ADVANCED DYNAMIC SHADING , what about this component is it helpful?
I have tried to define the kinetic shading (fixing an anglein 2 different methods as shown in the following fig. _method 1_ is by using HB surfaces (yellow one), the method 2 is by using Masszones (red one)
notice that this simulation is for daylight factor just as an example to told me if it is correct or not the simulation for the kinetic shading (I think it is applicable for the other simulations)
do you have any tutorial related to doing simulation for kinetic shading using ? and if I want to define the context I should do the same right?
Definitely, this could be done. Please provide a file with geometry internalized and please highlight which parameters you want to iterate.
With Daysim, there’re three ways you can simulate shading. Advanced Dynamic shading is one of the ways and it is the most time consuming one. In this method, two sets of daylight coefficients are calculated. One for open shades and one for closed shades. You can try this for your study
I don’t think there’s a tutorial specifically for a kinetic facade. It can be simulated using the already available daylight simulation workflows.
Yes. You can assign a reflectance value to the context surfaces using the Honeybee_Radiance Opaque Material. They can be fed to the the HBobjects input on the Daylight simulation component.
Dear Devang,
Thank you again for your help I really appreciate it, especially that I am working on my PHD which is related to this topic, so your answers are very helpful.
if you kindly could answer to the questions
I do not know how to use the “Advanced Dynamic shading” for example state one could be at certain angle or what. I have tried to download a file name : 009_AnnualDaylightAnalysis_III_dynamicBlinds.gh
but actually it was very complicated and I did not understand it if you could clarify it.
you have told me that there are 3 ways for doing simulation for kinetic shading, so whats are the other two methods?
Here is an example of two methods that I have tried them to define the kinetic shading through fixing the angle of rotation:
a) _ method 1 _ is by using HB surfaces as shown in the Fig. (yellow one)
b) the method 2 is by using Masszones (red one) as shown in the Fig.
here is the grasshopper file containing the 2 methods kindly if you could check it and tell me if it is correct or no to devang 3 kinetic louvers illuminance analysis.gh (559.3 KB)
in case my 2 methods are correct so the question now is that: the results of this method are accurate as the result of the " HONEYBEE ADVANCED DYNAMIC SHADING"? or no? and the angle could be parametrically or no.
Here is how I defined the context as masses zone as shown in the fallowing fig. it is correct?
but what is remarkable in the analysis result of illuminance that ALL the surface areas near the windows are getting same results, knowing that we have a context so it should reflect on the results (what I mean is that the surface near the window from the back as highlighted on the fig should have less illuminance level)