Ladybug Bounce from surface component not working for all surfaces

Hi everyone,

This might be a stupid problem, but I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, I’m doing Ray tracing for a project at work and I have everything set up in Grasshopper for Ray tracing but for some reason it’s only working in some specific surfaces and not for the rest of them. I’m using the BounceFromSurface Component from Ladybug. I also set a Point component at the end of the BouncePts section of the BounceFromSurface Component to make sure all my surfaces where divided by my grid size and I’m getting points for all the surfaces I add.

For model, grasshopper file and weather file, click link below:

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

You should try flipping the surface. The surface normal of the surface that you wish to check for reflection shall point outwards.

Hi Devang,

Thanks you so much, like you suggested, I had to flip the normal of the faces. Now it works fine!.
