Ladybug for Assessing Mono and Bifacial PV performance


A recently published paper on “A Fast and Accurate Raytracing Approach for Assessing Photovoltaic Performance of Monoand Bifacial Panels in Complex Irradiance Conditions” that uses Ladybugtools as a driver for construction of a irradiation simulation. And postprocesses the results for an accurate simulation of mono- and bifacial PV panels.

In short :
An accurate raytracing of mono and bifacial panels with acceptable precision for an hourly timestep or larger is a feasible solution for assessing PV performance. The toolset/workflow is tested against both measurements as well as industry leading PV tools. And an agricultural PV application is showcased, where grid and radiance settings independence as well as running time is studied.

The complete article is open source, and can be found here:

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