This was very insightful, Charlie!
I hope I have some results for you.
- Sky Mask component is not linked directly to the calculation itself, as we have discussed above
- If Tregenza Sky dome is set, patch vectors are a bit misaligned with the resulting dome. And we can see that the matrix with 145 patches (x2 for full sphere ?) is not sufficient for complex urban scene. But I don’t get it why LB uses a highres version of Tregenza - just for viz purposes?
- If Reinhart Sky dome is set, we get all the vectors aligned with patches.
- Finally I have tried to get the real sky mask using Mesh Ray intersection.
- in 1.6.0 there is an output from Sky dome as “vis_set” (I have been used 1.5.0) but I didn’t find anything interesting.
It was quite useful to me to enhance my understanding of some Grasshopper basics, thanks to your definition.
Sky Mask Radiation (55.6 KB)