I have installed ladybug with one click through the pollination app. I have python downloaded and have uninstalled/reinstalled multiple times to no avail. Is there a proper way I should organize my file downloads in order for it to run? Thank you for the help!
Hey @Coleton ,
Ladybug_Ladybug is a Legacy Ladybug component. If you have used the Pollination single-click installer, then the version of Ladybug Tools (LBT) that you have is the newer replacement for the Legacy Ladybug plugin. The new LBT plugin has practically all of the legacy capabilities but with a lot of extra improvements like you see here in the original release notes.
Long story short, there’s no need for a Ladybug_Ladybug component when using the newer Ladybug Tools plugin. If you want to get started learning the new ladybug plugin, I recommend this tutorial series:
thank you, I was watching your old videos; makes sense as to why I was confused!
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