Ladybug Radiation Analysis Error


I’m using ladybug to do a Radiation Analysis. I got an error which is ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘GetBoundingBox’.

I check the campus building is vaild polysurfaces. And tried to explose and join them again, but I still get the same problem.

I don’t know if that’s the problem of campus building because it’s to complicated or I should divide it into several individual building.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sam (388.0 KB)
Rhino Model Link:

By the way, I also tried SunlightHours Analysis with the same model, it works well.

I didn’t get it to run, but after chopping it into pieces, the blue areas throw out errors, the grey ones work fine. The geometry seems a little fishy, creating lots of self-intersecting surfaces when turned into a mesh.


Thanks for the response.

I think you are right. After simplify the model to make less segements surface and it works now.

Thanks a lot