Ladybug sun hour analysis problem - Result is all gray


I have an strange issue which I hope to get some assistance with.

With the component DirectSunHour I want to do a sun hour analysis the of plot belonging to a private villa. But the results are all gray, as shown in the image below with test geometry. I get no error code from any component and have tried different geometries for the inputs _geometry and context_ without luck. The script is linked below… Any help is appreciated!

I searched the forums but did not find any solution to this issue. If I have missed it I would gladly be redirected to that post.

Link to grasshopper file:

Change the display to rendered/shade/wire. Arctic display doesn’t show the colors right.

It puzzles me that I didn’t think of just changing the view mode… A simple solution to a simple issue, thanks @AbrahamYezioro!

Hey, I’m a new to Ladybug tools and Grasshopper and I got a similar error - the radiation analysis shows a gray area. I tried “Disable Preview” and chaging the view mode to the ones mentioned above. The results are as shown in the image. Does anyone knows how to fix this? I’m sure it’s pretty simple.
Thanks in advance!

You probably need to hide the Rhino geometry.