LAPTOP for Rhino, Grasshopper (Ladybug, HB) GIS

I will start a new job and I would like to know what laptop would be good to use Rhino, Grasshopper and GIS with a budget of 1500 USD approx.


It always depends on what you want to run but most of the heavy duty simulations in Honeybee use the CPU. CPUs also tend to be difficult to upgrade in laptops compared to other components like RAM. So I recommend investing in a good CPU if you plan or running lots of Honeybee simulations.

If you’re running exclusively Radiance simulations, it might be better to invest in a CPU with lots of cores (eg. Xeon processors). But, if you’ll be running energy simulations, I find that the i7 and i9 processors with higher GHz really help.

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Ryzen or Intel? Thanks in advance.

All of the CPU models I listed were Intel. I don’t have much experience with AMD Ryzen but I imagine that a new processor from either company is probably comparable as long as you match the GHz and number of threads.

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