Launch of the Official Honeybee Wiki!

I’d like to announce the launch of the Official Honeybee Wiki!

To kick off the Honeybee Wiki, I have written a thorough introductory guide for using Honeybee for energy modeling. The guide includes more than 70 pages of content written in layman’s terms, 5 new example files, 200+ supporting images, and step-by-step instructions inter-woven with explanations of theory. As it develops, the wiki can serve as a repository for written materials on techniques and best practices.

The Home Page contains an overview of the Honeybee workflow. This is accompanied by a series of introductory sections, written in tiers to cater to everyone from the complete grasshopper novice to experienced grasshopper users who only need an overview of Honeybee.

There are two step-by-step guides on creating an energy model. The first tutorial is on making a basic Single Zone Model that covers the entire workflow from creating geometry to generating an energy balance diagram.

The second tutorial elaborates on the first by showing how to Compare Passive Strategies. Together, these should provide a spring-board for getting started, and a basic vocabulary of techniques for combining Ladybug visualizations to explore Honeybee results.

After users have completed the initial two energy modeling tutorials, they can move on to the advanced topics section. This will serve as a repository for specific best practices and more detailed coverage of techniques.

For those inclined to contribute, please see Intro VI - Contributing to Honeybee Wiki! for details!

A preview of the table of contents follows below, to provide a quick overview of what has been covered:

As a sign off, let me say that I am thrilled to contribute to the Ladybug Tools project. The software has been a fundamental for my own development as a professional, and I hope this guide continues to evolve and give more people access to tools for addressing climate through design.

Happy modeling,

Table of Contents

Honeybee Wiki Home

Intro I - Installing Honeybee

Intro II - Grasshopper Interface

Intro III - Honeybee Interface

Intro IV - Energy+ Modeling Assumptions

Intro V - Conventions and Code Hygiene

Intro VI - Contributing to Honeybee Wiki!

Single Zone Model

Single Zone Model Home

Step 0 - Modeling Zone Geometry

Step 1 - Assign Properties to Zones

Step 2 - Simulation Setup

Step 3 - Run the model

Step 4 - Visualize the results

Step 5 - Iterating to improve design

Comparing Passive Strategies

Compare Passive Strategies Home

Passive 0 - Comfort Models

Passive 1 - Materials - High Performance Window

Passive 2 - Geometry - Shade

Passive 3 - Equipment - Lighting

Passive 4 - Ventilation - Open Windows

Passive 5 - Schedules - Night Flushing


Topics Home

Custom Schedules


Such an amazing work!!
Thank you for releasing it @amjacobson !!!

1 Like

So great @amjacobson!!!
Proves the greatness of the open source.
Thanks a lot.

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Great work!
Thanks for sharing.

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Wonderful! The world can definitely be great.

Great work @amjacobson, and thanks a lot!

Amazing work @amjacobson !!!
Thanks a lot!

Thanks everyone, and you’re welcome! The goal was to write the guide I wish I’d had.

It won’t relieve the headaches from thinking through great design, but perhaps less aspirin will be squandered on learning the tools.

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This is amazing! thanks a lot @amjacobson

Are we going to get into daylighting in this Wiki as well?

Amazing work!!! Thank you for sharing

thank you so much!! very helpful

This looks great! Thank you!

Thanks so much for this!!!

Thank you so much! Great work!

This is amazing!! Thanks for putting this together for everyone globally :slight_smile: