hi guys,
stuck with envi-met component giving me windowserror. Usually this kind of error happens because of component not updated right ? I updated everything twice without any difference… lb_envimet master
TESTcharlesEmet.gh (846.5 KB)
if you have an idea let me know,
Cannot move further without this solved
I’m using Envi_met Version 4.3.2 (last one released this summer) And cannot find any anterior version.
Thanks alot,
Charles C.
Hi @CharlesCollin,
I have tested the file and it works on my machine. I suggest this temporary workaroud:
- Double click on component to open it
- Go to line 306
- comment in this way: #os.startfile(INXfileAddress)
- Save and try again
Let me know if it works,
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it does the job ! many thanks @AntonelloDiNunzio
however, it seems that the space component does not write 3D plants into the .INX file…
Envimet_test.gh (409.3 KB)
Charles C.