It appears that the LB Filter by Normal component does not work when a mesh is input into it. The same is also happening with the old legacy version of the component. Is it a bug?
Hi @Matteo I think you found a bug, the tooltip for _geometry
_geometry: Rhino Breps and/or Rhino Meshes which will be broken down into individual
planar faces and filtered based on the direction they face.
Specifies that the component will accept meshes, but in the code there doesn’t seem to be anything for handling meshes, if I’m not mistaken.
@chris is this a bug?
Hi @TrevorFedyna and thank you,
Yes exactly, the description talks about meshes, but an error pops up when mesh geometry is connected. Hopefully @chris can confirm the presence of a bug.
Hello @TrevorFedyna,
any updates regarding this bug? Is there a plan to fix it in the next update? I’m currently converting mesh to Brep to get use of it right now, but it is not optimal
Hi @Matteo if you change the type hint to no type hint or ‘geometry base’ the issue seems to go away.
Thank you for fixing the issue!
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