I want to simulate daily LB Real Time Incident Radiation across several months, considering the geometry and context of shading.
I chose LB Incident Radiation with LB Cumulative Sky Matrix components and connected them to the LB Real Time Incident Radiation. Additionally, I use the two Series components to indicate the starting and ending of the month and day, respectively. These two Series components were connected to the LB Analysis Period component to define the intended duration. I can get daily LB Real Time Incident Radiation from July to August when both months have the same number of days, i.e., 31 days.
However, the LB Analysis Period shows an error message when covering the period from January to September. I know the end day set at 31 caused this error because not every month has 31 days.
Is there some way to get the daily LB Real Time Incident Radiation from January to September when the number of days within a month differs? How should I define the end day in the LB Analysis Period?
I have attached my Grasshopper file for your reference. Appreciate any suggestions, if any. Thank you.
I undertsand from your workflow that you want to get the daily average radiation for each day of the year, right?
If so, you don’t need to use the analysis period component.
It ill be enough to create a series for all hours in the year and then partition it every 24 items. Like so:
Unfortunatly, this is fully solving my problem. I want to get daily average radiation on the ground from Jan to Sep by taking into consideration of the changing in tilt angle of the solar panel. I use the Analysis Period component to link the month with the tilt angle, which provides different angles for every month.
Sorry for not indicating clearly in my last Grasshoper file. Here, I have included the new file.
To give a better picture, the list and screenshot below show the tilt angles for every month.
Jan = 60 degrees
Feb = 50
Mar = 40
Apr = 30
May = 10
Jun = 10
Jul = 10
Aug = 20
Sep = 30
Oct = 40
Nov = 50
Dec = 60
It requires some work and as i understand, can’t be solved with the analysis_period component, as it is now.
Some python scripting can do the job. If i get the chance i’ll give it a try.
Started to write some script. See attached white group. The script assigns a tilt angle for each hour according to the month.
One thing i don’t understand is how you assign the angle for the simulation. The all year simulation takes one position of the context and the real time component takes the results from there. So it is not clear where the angle is applied and simulated.
I assigned the context’s tilt angle through the Rotate 3D component. The rotated context indicates data with nine branches from the Merge component.
However, I couldn’t get the daily average radiation on every assigned angle of the year. The LB Real Time Incident Radiation only shows data with one branch and N = 365. I tried to graft the rotation angle, but the result still the same.
Would it be possible to get Real Time Incident Radiation with 9 branches representing daily average radiation on every assigned angle?