Hi LBT team,
I’ve just done a uninstall and install of the pollination grasshopper plugin and then run the LB versioner but I’m getting this error when opening grasshopper.
When I go to the path I also can’t open the folders there. ironbug and dotnet folders I can open, the others nothing happens when I double click on them.
For now I’ll uninstall and install the Grasshopper Pollination Plugin again and work with that. Hope this is useful for bug fixing 
Thanks in advance!
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Hello Charlie
How did you fix this?
I had the same error, but I did not touch anything since the last time I used Ladybug!
Thank you!
Hey @Marcello, my issue was to do with admin rights - I installed the one click grasshopper pollination installer and all works well.
Using the LB versioner to update causes the problem to come up again, so I’m sticking to updating using the installer
Thank you Charlie
I was also thinking it could have been the LB versioner, as I lately updated the tool with that component.
I will reinstall it via Pollination