Hi all,
I am using the LBT SDK for scripts/projects completely outside Grasshopper, using my own Python virtual environment to run my scripts.
I am facing some issues with the dependencies and versions of the LBT/pollination packages I should use.
I am using most of the LBT tools and some of the pollination packages. I am mostly manipulating geometries and buildings with ladybug-geometries/honeybee/dragonfly, running energy simulation with honeybee-energy (with the pollination “software” installed on the side) and perform some radiation analysis with honeybee-radiance/lbt_recipe/pollination_handlers.
I had to install some third-party packages that created dependencies conflicts with the various LBT/pollination packages I use, so I upgraded to the last versions of these packages and it solved the issue.
The problem is that it created some other issues within honeybee-radiance or lbt_recipes and it could not perform the radiation analysis properly, it created some error within the radiation simulation process (a folder could not be created or something like this, the error was not detailed).
I am not looking for assistance for this specific problem (as I solved it by just downgrading to my previously stable version requirements), I am just wondering if there are “sets” of stable LBT packages versions that work together? or ready-made commands to upgrade all the packages together to the last “stable” state.
Also, can the problem come from the installation of pollination (the software) itself, and its version ? I understood that some packages communicate with some exterior programs, such as queenbee, but I am not too sure.
I know that there is such things for individual Ladybug, Honeybee etc. packages, but some packages fall in outside of these big categories, and it did not prevent me from having the problem explained above.
Thank you in advance for your answers !
And sorry for asking such a heavy and complex question.