LBT versioner with Pollination installer

Hi @MingboPeng

I noticed when using the LBT versioner comes with the Pollination installer, a warning message pops up.

My first guess was thinking maybe this is because the files are installed in Programs Files. However when I changed the code in versioner to call C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\Scripts\ladybug-rhino.exe it works fine, so it is not a problem of where the tool is installed but just an issue with the Ladybug.Executor.exe file.

Wonder if this is something can be resolved as it is preventing user without admin right to update LBT.


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Hi @Bing ,

Files that are installed under “Program Files” on Windows cannot be changed/upgraded without Admin privileges. This is one of the reasons why IT departments like it so much and it’s also the reason why the new Versioner calls the Ladybug Executor to ask for Admin priveleges whenever Ladybug Tools is installed in Program Files. So the edited code that you have there will not work unless Rhino is being run as Admin.

Long story short, if your fellow user has Pollination + Ladybug Tools installed under “Program Files” and they do not have Admin privelges, then they cannot use the Versioner. And the Pollination installer is set up this way because you IT department likes it that way.

If this is going to be a continual issue for the user and you IT is unwilling to give Admin privelges to the user (or approve the Executor every time that it runs), then you can ask your IT to install Pollination + Ladybug Tools under:


As you see in the Versioner code, installing under the User folder like that means that you won’t need Admin priveleges or the Ladybug Executor in order to run the Versioner.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply and your recommendation of as work around.

However, I’m not sure if files installed under “Program Files” is the real cause. From my testing, I can use the versioner with no admin question when calling C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\Scripts\ladybug-rhino.exe instead of C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\grasshopper\ladybug_grasshopper_dotnet\Ladybug.Executor.exe, no admin right needed, as the second screenshot showing.

My guess is that the ladybug-rhino.exe is published by Python, while Ladybug.Executor.exe has a unknown publisher. I could be wrong.


Hi @Bing and @chris,

Sorry for the late reply, in Ladybug.Executor.exe, it is specifically set to require the admin privilege to run no matter how and what you do with it. Because it needs to write/update the files to C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\.

As Chris pointed out, this is what most IT departments want. And for the personal machines, this won’t be an issue.

However, I’m not sure if files installed under “Program Files” is the real cause. From my testing, I can use the versioner with no admin question when calling C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\Scripts\ladybug-rhino.exe

Calling the ladybug-rhino.exe doesn’t need the admin right as it doesn’t need the write access to C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\. It is different than what Ladybug.Executor.exe does.

I hope this clears your question.

Thanks Mingbo for explaining that. This explains why they behave differently but would this mean calling ladybug-rhino.exe is not updating the ladybug python libraries under the C:\Program Files\ladybug_tools\python\?

This is what I understand what ladybug-rhino.exe does unless @chris has a different opinion.