Legend is missing from falsecolor image produced by FalseColor component

It seems the color legend is missing from the falsecolor image produced from the FalseColor component when the position of legend is specified.

Is this a known issue?

falsecolor_no_legend.gh (471.9 KB)
daylight_glare_IMG_Perspective.HDR (547.6 KB)

Does this help?

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@devang, thanks. Yes, Change the Radiance version to 5.1 solves the problem.

I wonder why the latest Radiance v5.2 is not working here while I’m using the same falsecolor2.exe put in the bin folder of Radiance…


also, the ladybug image viewer are not showing the falsecolor image in the same scale as the HDR image given the same scale factor as shown below, and this is not the case using the image viewer component in the Embryo.

@MingboPeng should be able to help with this question.

The image viewer is not meant to display the full size of image.
the image display area is kept at 400 px of width by default (scale factor:1), which means changing component’s scale is equal to changing image display area’s width (400 x scale factor), and its height is controlled by image ratio.

@MingboPeng, thank you for the clarification.

My problem with @Grasshope 's image above is that the image on the left has no cd/m2 scale. Is it being cropped off? I am having this same problem in my file where I can’t put a scale to the colors.