Lenght of Energyplus analysis


I run in strange thing during my Honeybee Energyplus analysis. I have set up script slowly step by step, resulting in a working thing that were able to run my analysis in about 5-7 minutes (for the length of whole year).

Then I slighly adjusted my input geometry (very small differencies from the initial try) and now my analysis will not finish in 40 minutes (longest try I did). If I try to analyze somthing similar to initial try, it is still going very slowly. I am not aware of any changes I would make exept the geometry.

I do realize that my geometry could be kind of difficult to calculate, but what I do not understand is the sudden change of analysis time.EP_an_f.gh (659.9 KB)

Would you guys please have any idea what the issue might be or what coul I do to speed up my process of simulation?

Many thanks

Can you share a screenshot of your geometry? Did you introduce non-planar surfaces when you made the changes?

Hi @choteada,
Please take a look at your zones. One of the them is not closed. Also, you zones have non-convex surfaces. Most of the time goes into solar distribution calculations. If you use minimal shadowing on Honeybee_Simulation Par component, you can bypass non-convex errors and also the simulation will be finished sooner.


thank you very much for your replies. I am posting the screen of structure below. Its produced through the honeybee preview. Regarding the shape, yes, it is non-planar surface, as the rooftop shape is based on helix. But I am pretty sure the initial try also contained non-planar surface.

Thank you for noticing about the open zone, I had no idea it is there. It was produced by the “Add Glazing by ratio” component for some reason, so I tried to bypass the component, but i makes no difference. The “simulation Par” component also did not make a big difference. so I suppose the problem is in geometry. Unfortunatelly, due to the nature of project, I can not get rid of non planar surface. Do you please know about a way to easily simplify the non planar surface for the sake of analysis?

thank you guys for helping me

By the way, I also noticed it takes quite a while to calculate “interzonal windows”. I do not not what exactly does that mean, as I have no widows between the interior parts, just regular ones between interior and exterior.

Is that also related to non-convex or non-planar srufaces?

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