Looking for help with radiant cooling and heating ceilings electric

my goal is to model the heating and cooling in my building using ceiling radiant panels using electricity and air-water heat pump. I don’t need mechanical ventilation for my building.
Does anyone have done this before and can help me with an example?
I tried working with ironbug but I’m not sure about the workflow.


Radiant cooling and heating systems, including electric systems like radiant ceiling panels, are becoming increasingly popular for their energy efficiency and comfort. If you’re working with Ladybug Tools, you’re likely looking to model or simulate these systems in an energy simulation environment.

Could you clarify a bit about your specific question or what you’re trying to achieve? For example, are you trying to model radiant heating and cooling for a building, simulate electric radiant ceiling panels in EnergyPlus, or something else related to Ladybug Tools?

Thank you for your comment.
For clarification: I wanted to model ceiling radiant panels for heating and cooling in a building. These radiant panels should work with an air to water heat pump that will get it’s electricity from PVs.

Meanwhile I found really good tutorials from Pollination that show the modeling of many systems using Ironbug. I highly recommend.