Missing Service Hot Water and IDF Object Differences Post 1.7.47 Update

Hello everyone, I recently updated to version LB 1.7.47 and have encountered a significant issue where the service hot water demand is missing from the results. Additionally, I’ve noticed discrepancies in the IDF file by comparing it to older files (using LB 1.7.26 version), specifically missing objects in several classes, including HVAC Design Objects, Node-Branch Management, Pumps, Water Heater and Thermal Storage, Plant-Condenser Loops, Plant-Condenser Control, Setpoint Managers, and Water Systems.

I do not utilize the “HB SHW System” component for the purpose of defining the hot water system. Instead, I define the demand by means of the “HB Service Hot Water” component and adjust it according to the “HB Program Type” component.

Following the utilization of the “HB SHW System” component, I have seen that the service hot water demand is not absent, and the IDF file contains the items that were previously indicated as being absent.

I’ve searched the forum and related resources but haven’t found a case similar to mine. I am searching for some direction on how to approach this issue, as well as how to calculate the demand for hot water for service without defining the specific SHW system by the “HB SHW System” component.

Thank you all in advance for your time and help. I’m open to providing further details or clarifications as needed.


I am really sorry that I missed this months ago, @FanouriosK . You were completely correct that you were experiencing a bug here, which I just fixed yesterday:

FYI, if you see anything weird like this with energy simulation in the future, you have my support for tagging me with the @chris handle. That should help prevent the topic from falling through the cracks. Or, at the least, it will help me see it sooner.

Thanks again for reporting this.


Thanks for the heads-up, @chris. I appreciate your effort and support.

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Hi @chris and others,

I experience the same issue in my model
question_energyplus_openstudio_differences.gh (187.2 KB)

However, I cannot implement the GitHub script you provided. I’ve never done this before so could someone help me explain how I can resolve this issue in my grasshopper as well?

I suppose it is through a Python component. But if I implement it in a Python component it gives me the error

"Runtime error (ImportException): No module named OpenStudio

line 2, in script"

Also if it were to work, I don’t know what in and output parameters to connect to this Python component.