Modelling a GSHP coupled with ground water open loop

Hi @MingboPeng,

I would like to model a Ground Source heatpump coupled with a ground water open loop using Ironbug.
In the link below they talk about the PlantComponent:TemperatureSource.
Is it difficult to use this plant component in combination with Ironbug?

Hi @Erikbeeren
I have never modeled with PlantComponent:TemperatureSource for the open water loop.
OpenStudio has this object already:

It should be easy to add it to Ironbug, but not sure how to model this open water loop correctly.
Let me look into some documents, will keep you updated.

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Hi @MingboPeng,
Here is the input output reference from energyplus:
It would be nice if the source temperature could be scheduled.

Hi @Erikbeeren the “ScheduleFile” has been added in newest Ironbug for loading hourly csv files

Hi @Erikbeeren

Here is the updated Ironbug with PlantComponent. (267.0 KB)

I think it should work like this, but haven’t really tested. Please let me know if it works for you. (21.2 KB)

Hi @MingboPeng,

Thanks for the work, I will let you know if it works.

Only one other problem: When I installed this new ironbug release, the intersect mass component disappeared.

@Erikbeeren Yes, it has been moved to ladybug-legacy, please update your ladybug-legacy.

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