I’m attempting to perform multiple studices by altering the output of a measurement based on a list of inputs for each study iteration. However, despite having a list of inputs for each study, the measurement output seems to remain consistent with the initial solution for the first input value in the input list. How can I address this issue and ensure that the measurement output properly corresponds to each input value in the list for the parametric study?
As you can see in the screenshot, there is no chamges in the “Default thermal bridge set”"
You are correct that the issue here is that the Measure component only reads the first item of any lists that are plugged into it and this is the result of all of the acrobatics that we do to transform the component inputs in order to expose the arguments of any measure you connect.
This is going to be test of how well Grasshopper API is structured to see if there’s a way for me to actually parse the separate values of your list input. I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I have already figured out part of the solution with the Dragonfly Mapper measure component.
In the meantime, I know it’s annoying and not very grasshopper-y but you’re going to have to copy/paste the measure component for each set of arguments that you want to apply to the measure.
It was a lot easier than I thought and I was able to get the component to respect longest list logic with multiple list inputs and everything. I just pushed the fix:
… and it should be available with the LB Versioner component in a couple of hours once I merge it and it makes it through the CI.
With version 1.6.1 of the component, you should be able to assign lists of inputs with a single Measure component like so: