My Honeybee is still orange

Hi all, I’m brand new to using Honeybee/Ladybug so please bear with me.

I’m not sure if this is a problem…but I’ve been conditioned to see orange components as a potential error…so I’m posting the output of my honeybee component just to check with the experts here on the forum. It appears that the Honeybee is flying, and the orange is just because I’ve got some empty branches in the output log.

Is this a correct assumption? Or do I need to reinstall something?

@dangasser You should the upper-right of the compotent.


I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me. Thanks minggangyin. (the problem is that I’ve got Therm 7.7 installed)

@dangasser Honeybee does not support Therm 7.7. You should use Therm 7.5 or 7.6