Natural Ventilation | Ventilation Schedules | Heating Loads

To give some context, I am trying to simulate EPZone as a classroom. A few questions that arise:

1.) The Ventilation Schedules in _Set Energy Plus Zone Schedules are for Mechanical / demand-controlled ventilation?

The classroom is naturally ventilated so I use EP Air Flow component and assign Opening area fraction schedule and other necessary pre-requisites, while make the ventilation schedule as 0 (assuming it handles mechanical ventilation). If I dont make it 0, I get tremendous heating loads as the default ventilation schedule works with ventilation per person/ ventilation per area. When making these ventilation schedules null and assigning natural ventilation, the heating loads reduce drastically

2.) Is it okay to give a ventilation schedule as null if there is no mechanical ventilation ?

3.) How to make sure that mechanical ventilation is not taken into account at all as it effects the heating loads?
When there is no mechanical ventilation,
4.) How do we assign loads of ventilation per person and ventilation per area which works along-with occupancy schedules to calculate the minimum fresh air requirement ? as in _Set Energy plus zone loads it says these two variables are defined for the mechanical system …
5.) If not here where in _Set Energy plus zone loads or _Set EP Air flow the fresh air requirement is taken into account ?

I have enclosed the grasshopper file for reference.

South Classroom_1 (1.3 MB)