In Estonia, new .epw files have been created for current and future climate. We have been using these in the IDA-ICE without any major problems.
However, we are struggeling to undestand why these files are not working in Ladybug. I know there are similar topics around, but as I am relatively new to the .epw files, I am not sure, which of the previous posts is relevant in our case.
Here are the files: Kliimafailid
Thank you in advance, if anyone can take a brief look at these.
I just quickly looked up the EPW file that you uploaded, and the main reason why the file isn’t working is because the design day data is missing. The solution for that could be adding it manually by editing the EPW file. 
And may I also ask what type of analysis you would like to do by using this climate file in LBT? Some of the simulation could still run eventhough the file is missing design day data.
Hope my answer could help you solve the problem.
Thank you for your response. We are interested in two types of analysis, including solar exposure and thermal analysis, for conducting overheating study. These files seem to work for the first purpose but not for the second. The error messages it gives are very plane and it is hard to understand what is causing it.