New Honeybee Component: Import gbXML

I recently using Revit model for daylight and energy analysis in my project.This function is just the one I needed.Thank you Mostapha.This Function is so amazing and I loved it!!!

Thanks much for putting this together Mostapha. My Rhino crashes every time I try opening the xml file, wonder if anyone else has the problem?

Strange! Are you using the xml file that I attached here or a different xml file? Can you share the file with me if it’s a different file?

I am using the one you shared Mostapha!

Thank you for the update. Let’s see if it’s an issue with the file or your system. Can you try the attached file? This is a standard xml file from the gbXML website.

OfficeBuilding.xml (866 KB)

This new xml file worked just fine and opened right away. I restarted my computer and tried the original file and that is working fine too. Looks like there were some computer updates that needed a restart! Thanks for your prompt response!

Perfect! Thanks for the update. I was wondering is you’re working in mm and the intersection for small surfaces makes Rhino crash. Great to know that it’s working fine!

This is awesome Mostapha. I have another reason to get out of Revit and back to gh. Boy that software is a pain. Congrats and keep up the food work


I got excited and started looking at some of the xml export attempts I had done before to get geometry into OS. Found one for you that definitely crashes the Rhino in case you are interested in looking more into it and potentially help you fine-tune things in the new component! it is a much bigger file that may be the reason why translation becomes too taxing!

Hi Mostapha,

I tried the example you shared and I got an error:

  1. Solution exception:addToHoneybeeHive() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)

do you know the reason for it?

thank you in advance

Hi Stefania, It’s because a recent change that I made in Honeybee hive which is different from the version that you’re using. I can fix that later today and update a new version that works for both versions.


Amir! I can import your model with no issues. What tolerance and units are you using?

Stefania, I updated the gh file. Try the new version and let me know if it works for you.

Looking forward to trying this out. I want to download the sample project xml file however I keep getting this: “This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.” and it does not download.

  • Sandi

Press ctrl+s once you see that page and you’ll be able to save the xml file.

Thank you Mostapha!

I am trying to split up the HBzones into perimter and core zones. Is it right to use the Honeybee perimeter core zoning component? From there I don’t know how I would change the settings for perimeter depth. I have attached what I have done. I am pretty sure it is not the right process.

2 Revit to xml Two spaces (520 KB)
2.1 Revit to xml Two spaces_complxwshading and identfy external.xml (122 KB)

Awesome! I used to upload the model to GBS and got the idf file back to Rhino, but there’s always broken faces. The gbxml file is so neat. You are amazing!

Hi Qinheng, I assume gbXML won’t make a huge difference as the source for both of them is the Revit analytical model. I will be happy if it helps but I can’t take credit for that :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Import gbXML doesn’t import the sample files