No airFlowVolume result when running an IDF file by Re-Run IDF

Hello everyone,
I have run an IDF file by Re-Run IDF. The OUTPUTS I needed are Operative Temperature, air Temperature, meanRadTemperature, RelativeHumidity, airflowVolume and airHeatGainRate.

The Read EP Result component gave the results as followed:

I can not find out why the airflowVolume did not come out.

Hope someone can help me. The file is hereThreeZone-AirflowVentilation.idf (60.0 KB) .

Thanks a lot and best wishes.


@SunnyChen Your energyplus idf file missed some output of airflow network model.You should
add these output variale to your idf file using the following

Hi @minggangyin I have exactly the same problem, how can I add those output variable to my idf file? Shoul I install somwthing after downloading it?

You should check the simulation output component.

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Oh!!! Yes!! Problem solved, thank you so much!!!