No Results in Paraview


I am running an outdoor study and everything is working fine (grey) but the last part running into problem at the Residuals Components. It’s giving me an error saying that it is attempting to divide by 0. I tried to open the foam file in Paraview but am getting no results besides the Mesh. How can I fix this? Thank you!!

Hi @aorukaya

Is your simulation running? How many iterations does it reach? Also, what’s your interval and are the result folders saved at each iteration you’ve said.

Also, is the study run in parallel (using the decomposePar component)? If so, and it was stopped manually, BF might have not had the opportunity to reconstruct the results, in which case you would yes only be able to load the mesh as no results would be available.

Try checking in your case folder, if there are no results then smth happened on the way and nothing was saved. If there are results in the processor folders, try navigating to your case at the OF terminal by typing:

cd /workingDir/butterfly/yourCaseFolderNameHere

and then typing and running the command:


Let us know a bit more information based on the above.

Kind regards,


Thanks for the quick response.

I believe the simulation had finished running. I choose end time 1000 with at intervals of 100 so 10 iterations?

I am using the decomposePar component and I did not stop it manually.

The results you said are in the processor folders. Do you mean just in my CASEname folder? Like if i had end time 1000 with purge =2, there would be 2 folders named 900 and 1000? Or do you mean in the postProcessing folder within? Right now I don’t seem to have the 900 and 1000 folders.

When I type in ‘reconstructPar’ in the OF terminal, I receive the following (see last image).

I’m super new at using any gh tools so thank you for your patience and guidance!



Hi yes you would see 2 directories in the processor folders if the simulation finished correctly.

Can you go to the log folder and check the simpleFoamError log? There might be more info there, if the simulation crushed it’d be at the end.

Kind regards,

Hi Theodore,

There is nothing in the simpleFoamError log; however, in the simpleFoam.log there appears to be warnings. Basically the entire file has these warnings.

@aorukaya can you share you gh file.

Hi @aorukaya

The simulation did not run, if you see it stopped at time 2. That is why there are no results in your case folder and in paraview.

This is usually a memory error. Try increasing the amount of memory you are giving to the VBox and check if the number of processors are allows in there (if you are running it in parallel).

The first errors are about the probe locations, it’s a typical error mentioned in the forums alot and comes from the fact that the surface you are using to create the probes have not been offset away from your buildings. That means the points at the edges cannot be found in the mesh.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Hi Theodore,

I’m still having a lot of trouble.

Sorry, but how do I increase the amount of memory giving to the VBOX?

Hi @aorukaya

You need to open the VirtualBox. When you are at the interface you will see an instance running (the OF terminal if it’s on). Select and stop it. Then you can go to options, there’s a tab with CPU cores and one tab with memory allowed to the VBox. Just move the sliders to what you want. Close everything, re-open the OF terminal. Should be ok.

I would give 1gb RAM per 1million cells in my models as a very rough rule of thump, usually a bit more.

P.S.: There are a couple of discussions on github about this with pictures I believe. I can’t find the link now cause on the phone but shouldn’t be hard to find it I hope.

Let me know if that works. Will try and give more info when I have better access later.

Kind regards,

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Hi @aorukaya,
Try following the below screenshot -
I would usually keep it around the max limit possible

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Thank you everyone.

It is working now!

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