I’m trying to optimize daylight and energy use as illustrated in the link above. Is it possible to tell Galapagos that increasing the daylight and decreasing artificial lights during daylight time? If so, how to do that? I saw a video tutorial by Mostapha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c32kZN19FU&t=225s. He minimized and maximized the radiation, is it good to follow his expression with mine?
In Galapagos result, I got a thousand of population with variety of total of useful daylight illuminance (from HB_Read Annual Daylight I component) and electricity lights (from HB_Read EP Result component). How to analyze the result? The goal is to see the best thickness of blinds in all daylight time during months in a year?
If I understand correctly what you really need to optimize is only daylight availability. The longer the space being day-lit the the less lighting energy you will use.
As you see the useful daylight illuminance 100_2000 is 595, and the majority of spots are 0! On the other hand, the result of useful daylight illuminance 100_2000 after optimization is 0!!! See pic.
I would see better perforation of blinds with maximum daylight and minimum light energy use.
In Galapagos, there is 2 options; Maximize and Minimize in for the fitness. In my case I explained it what should I do?