I d like to know if ladybug tools on grasshopper are working without issues on MacBook.
And if ladybug tools for grasshopper linked to revit and pollination will work without any issues reported on Paralles since in I have a MacBook please. (Autodesk is only for windows).
I use Mac with Ladybug almost everyday. LBT on Mac works well - with the exception that IronBug is not available. Otherwise, everything seems to work well so far (knock on wood).
That’s on the Mac side. On Parallels, Rhino sometimes works. Officially, McNeel does not support running Rhino in Parallels, and refuses to answer questions about it at all or provide any form of support. It sometimes works, in my experience, and then othertimes some Rhino or Parallels update or another will break everything and it all explodes and stops working. Usually it has to do with the graphics. It appears to be working at the moment, but there is no guarantee that this will continue to be the case, and in all likelihood it won’t.
My recommendation as a long-time Mac+Rhino user: using Rhino on Mac kind of stinks, and you’d almost always be better off getting yourself a PC instead (says the guy who continues to battle away on a Mac ). There are an almost uncountable number of small Rhino bugs, annoyances, and issue that you have to overcome to use it ‘professionally’ on MacOS (ie: with all the plugins you need, etc…).
For Ironbug on Mac, technically it could work since I have the OpenStudio Dotnet SDK compiled for MacOS, but I don’t know if it is worth spending time to develop it. Let’s wait for users to say their voice.
Thanks @MingboPeng , FWIW: that would be awesome for our workflows. But I know the user-base of Mac folks is quite small and therefor likely not worth all the work that would entail.
Most of my need to maintain a Windows PC stems from the need to be able to do detailed HVAC modelling. Without Ironbug, LBT on the Mac side is half-handed, because it lacks this ability.