People loads / Unit of activity level

I have been trying to figure out what the exact EnergyPlus loads from people are in W/m2. This is driven by people per m2 and the load from each person. I am not able to figure out what the latter is.

I see that (as an example) Office:OpenOffice, activity schedule looks like this:

ActivityLevel 13
Schedule:Week:Daily {28c29561-b365-4a14-8672-9021b01eb02f}

If I convert this schedule to values, it shows activity level as 120.

What are the units? I am not able to find an EP reference for this topic and hence I am not able to convert these values to W/person.

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Look at this to get the values of activity levels.
The 120 value represents the activity level w/person.

Thank you Abraham,

I think you are correct, although the description on the page you site is not that clear. In part I was thrown off by w/ person because the unit is W not w.