Hi !
I’m trying to run the HB model to OSM with the solar dist set as “FullInteriorAndExteriorWithReflections”. My honeybee rooms have some complex geometries so the calc_method must be “PixelCounting” but it doesn’t work.
is there a chance that the complex geometries are the cause off the error?
Full interior and exterior with reflection requires all of the zones to be convex as seen here
It’s clearly working because the simulation succeeds and the component does not turn red.
An orange component is just a warning and you should look at the full report out of the component to see what EnergyPlus wants you to be aware of since it may not actually matter for your case.
FYI, @TrevorFedyna , the PixelCounting method gets around all of the limitations of concave zones that the PolygonClipping method has, which is what the E+ documentation you posted there is talking about.
So I’m pretty confident that the warning in @pedro1 's screenshot is not related to concave zones. My hypothesis would be that @pedro1 has a Shade in his model with a transmittance schedule assigned to it and the PixelCounting method cannot model transmittance schedules. So EnergyPlus is giving a warning to let him know that the Shade with the transmittance schedules was simulated as totally opaque. Of course, seeing the full report would tell us whether or not this hypothesis is correct.
The report confirmed Chris’ answer, but I have no shade in my model. The model contains 8 rooms, 19 faces and 16 apertures, maybe one of them act like a shade is it possible?
If you have an orphaned Aperture in your model (one that is NOT connected to any parent Face or Room), this is translated to EnergyPlus as a shade with a transmittance that is equal to the Aperture construction transmittance. We assume that this is the behavior that you want since the Aperture can’t let sun into any Room if it’s not assigned to a room.
So that might be how you are ending up with a Shade that has transmittance.