Plotting Airflow network flow rates as vectors on openings

Hi All!
Im trying to plot the results of Airflow network simulations on the Honeybee model as vectors indicating the air flow on the model itself.
This kind of visualization is available in Climatestudio and Designbuilder software (Screenshot of desired output attached). This is extremely helpful to analyse the flow rate results and design openings / roof exhaust systems efficiently.
The challenges im facing:-

  1. Im trying to plot the results of ‘AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Volume flow rate’ on the surfaces using read custom output and color faces.
  2. This throws an error - Colorface data collection does not have metadata associated with Surfaces.
  3. As far as the output from simulation is concerned I do believe that this output is associated to Surfaces (please see the screenshot of the ESO file showing various surface outputs).
  4. Has anyone attempted doing this before and can help me get an output like this (image attached)? (130.2 KB)
    @chris @mostapha

Maybe the results for read custom result component is not match the hb_objs. Please check it