Possibility to have solar collector in Ironbug

Hey @MingboPeng

I hope you are pretty well.

I noticed there is a cs file in the Ironbug about the solar collector, which at the moment is commented as below:

Would you kindly let me know whether it is possible to have a solar collector component in the Ironbug?

I am interested in simulating below OpenStudio file from their library:

Thank you very much in advance for your time and assistance.


Hi @behnammmohseni,

Thanks for your question. Yes, I was trying to support the solar collector in Ironbug, but found it was not easy to do. So, I ended up commenting out the code for whenever it is ready for another round of try.

I will try to look into this over the weekend again, and will keep you posted.

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Hi @MingboPeng

Fantastic, thanks very much. You are always nice and helpful.