Primary and Secondary Loop Configuration for HEX and WaterHeater:Mixed

Hi LadyBug and IronBug Community,

I am trying to simulate two distinct loops in IronBug, one primary and the other secondary, for space heating for a simple house. The Primary loop, has an HP EIR connected with a BaseBoard to provide the heating load for the house, for a specified time of a day. Additionally, this HP EIR has connected with a Fluid-Fluid heat exchanger in the demand, where this heat exchanger provides the heat for the secondary loop.

In the Secondary loop, there is a simple WaterHeater:Mixed connected with another BaseBoard to provide heating load for another specific time of the day.

When the BaseBoard of the primary loop is not working, the HP EIR should charges the WaterHeater:Mixed, which is used as a buffer water tank. This heat transaction is done via that heat exchanger.

The main challenge is the connection between the Primary Loop and the Secondary via the heat exchanger working as the medium.

In the IronBug and OpenStudio, I cannot find a way to specify the supply (inlet and outlet) and the use (inlet and outlet) for the WaterHeater:Mixed.

What I could get are the below pictures:

Primary Loop:

Secondary Loop:

But this impose many challenges to modulate charge and discharge and SOC of the tank. Since these two loops should be completely separated and the heat exchanger is just a medium.

The loops that I need to develop seems such like below pictures:

Desired Primary Loop:

Desired Secondary Loop:

Could you kindly let me know how I can tackle this challenge?

Is there any specific configuration in IronBug/OpenStudio to have this desired setup?

Do you have any similar example that I can inspire from?

Thank you very much in advance for your time and help.

Sincerely, Behnam

Hi @behnammmohseni,

Sorry for the late reply, if I understand your problem correctly, you are technically building three plant loops. The HeatExchanger and WaterHeater could be a new loop in the middle, where the HeatExchanger as the supply side and WaterHeater in the demand branch.

Here is what you could do in Grasshopper.
Note, to be clear, this gives you an idea how to set up this structure, but I haven’t really test it, you will need to fill in more details such as supply water tempertures in each loop, and how to control each loop, etc. (55.6 KB)

Hope this helps,