Hello fellow coders and designers.
I have been trying to export the Monthly Chart directly from the component using the outputs as inputs for a block definition.
The main idea is to be able to print on a trigger the monthly chart as it is updated based on wallacei running the iterative simulations.
So i need the following items:
for the code to be either inserted into the Monthly chart code or a seperate GH python code.
a trigger to launch it based on Boolean
Lastly a manner to create a block entity that will bake exactly the graph provided into the active document.
Ideally it would be fantastic if I can provide a list of points where the blocks, since there will be many, to be placed in a consecutive manner.
If you have questions concerns ideas please provide them and I will be more than happy to elaborate and or change the approach.
Thanks in advanced.
P.S. i tried using LLM’s and other python ai’s but i feel like they miss some logic that I am trying to develop.