Hi everyone! I’m having a trouble while connecting my .epw file especially to the outdoor comfort component. It says:
“1. Solution exception:input key:location/dataType/units/frequency/startsAt/endsAt is not valid. Expected float or DataCollection. Got <type ‘str’>”
I’m don’t know much about coding so I really didn’t understand that. I’ll send here a screenshot of the python script which may help understand the problem. Thank you!
hi @dmaraujo are you able to share some images of the problem components on the canvas and there surrounding components so we can see what’s all going on, on the canvas.
Where does your epw come from?
It seems to be corrupted / not correctly formatted.
I downloaded from the E+ website
Hi @dmaraujo
You are using two versions of Ladybug.
The legacy component for importing the data and the LBT for reading the data.
They can not be used together.
you are right, thank you so much! I didn’t notice that