Problem getting inner doors applied to adjacent walls

Dear Forum,
I have trouble to get a simple apartment set up correctly. I draw in millimeters. The AddSubface component is complaining that some internal walls are not adjacent, but the SolveAdj component says they are.

  1. Solution exception:Adding sub-faces to faces with interior (Surface) boundary conditions is only possible when both adjacent faces are in the input _hb_obj.
    Failed to find innerWallBathroom_1_3ddad690, which is adjacent to innerWallCorridor_2_a0b4d751.
    Are the adjacent faces not in the SolveAdj component output? If so, am I doing something wrong on an other part of the script?
    I tried several things to get rid of this error:
  • changed units to meters, changed accuracy
  • changed SolveAdj → it raises an other error, its also in the script
  1. Solution exception:Number of doors does not match between innerWallCorridor_2 and innerWallBathroom_1.

if I am not mistaken, each interior door needs a matching door on the adjacent face for things to work correctly, I also believe that the assignment of the doors should happen prior to solve adjacency.
Hopefully that’s helpful

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Thank you very much for your feedback! :slight_smile: with it I was able to get to work. As I’m using single faces (because I would like to test different constructions and/or thermal masses) it ended up looking like this:



Awesome! Glad you got everything working!