hello every one,i have a problem in vieweing ep results,the simulation ran fine bt it cant find open/find the result file
i checked the file path ad found the files but i dont know why the component cant read it!
this is the error i get
Failed to parse the result file. The csv file might not have existed when connected or the simulation did not run correctly.Try reconnecting the _resultfileAddress to this component or re-running your simulation.
i had reviewed my zones and regenerated them but i had a worse problem! the whole component results were missing !
the upated file ground floor test.gh (633.0 KB)
i know i am doing something wrong but cant figure what is it !! and it is nfortunately taking me a very long hours due to lack of my experties
Thank you for addressing the issue. For clarification, plotting indoor temperature + humidity on a psychrometric chart is a totally valid way to evaluate indoor comfort. In fact, I prefer plotting indoor conditions over outdoor ones because the comfort polygon on the psychrometric chart comes from the PMV model (a comfort model that is designed strictly for indoor thermal comfort).
The reason why the psychrometric chart is red is because it’s an old version of the component.
thanks alot for your reply,ut i am still getting warnings in my energy simulation that wont go away !
19. ** Warning ** Version: in IDF=“9.0.0” not the same as expected=“9.1”
** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no “Ground Temperatures” were input.
" is that a problem in the weather file or something wrong i did ?
** Warning ** ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem “6 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM” Requested outdoor air flow rate = 3.05743E-002 [m3/s] exceeds limit.
and i am not sure whta to do as i am nt an expert in hvac system ,i applied the steps in your video but still have the same error.
for the psychrometric chart , i hought updating ladybug will update all omponent automatically,but i inserted it again and it worked fine.