Problems with Custom Construction Sets for simple windows NOT connecting to a building model

Ka pai @chris

Thank you so much. I can fix this. However, the logic of allowing students to make the windows operable or not will require yet more Stream gate / stream filters! An even bigger beast.

Much of the “Beast” is a library of materials included in each script that is based on the library of New Zealand materials that @ElzineBraasch developed during her Masters (The feasibility of 'Building Performance Sketching' within the building design process) . In future, I’d like to go through the process of registering this stuff with Open Studio. But that will require some funding to do properly with local regulatory authority’s support.

The ambition was to allow students to focus on the relationship between the input parameters and the performance.

I am now focusing on another issue to do with the construction set definitions I am using.

Generic Slab Floors seem to be applied automatically, instead of the exterior suspended floor system I would like to offer as an alternative.

Choosing a slab on grade option from my inputs

Produces this output from the construction set

And this model:

BUT choosing the suspended timber floor option, produces this:

Even though the floor construction has no input from the ground floor subset.

And this, persists even if I remove the ground subset…