Properties by guide surface does not work

Hi there,

For some reason, this HB Component does not work. I am making a test with very simple geometry, and I want all the internal partitions to become AirWalls.

It is interesting that the same definition does work in other computers, but I still can’t figure out the reason. Does anybody have the same issue? if so, how did you solve it?

AirWall (36.6 KB)

Hi @Julioamodia89

I opened your simulation; it seems your geometry is not internalised, meaning that when you send the .gh file without .3dm to another system, it cannot proceed with geometry compilation, etc,. When you create the geometry in the Rhino, and put that geometry in the grasshopper, you need to right-click on the geometry, brep, mesh, etc and select Internalise data if you are interested to work with the .gh file alone.

For the system that is successful to compile the air boundary, I guess they had the .3dm opened, or they had Internalise data for their specific .gh file.

Hi @behnammmohseni,
The geometries are internalized. That is not the issue. It might happen to be an issue with the Rhino version.

Thanks for your help anyway

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FWIW: it does seem to work ok for me:

@edpmay (29.2 KB)

Hi @edpmay,

Thank you. Have you tried with my file? Your also works for me, I don’t know what I am doing wrong.


It is because the geometry is 4,817,788.961 m from the origin.

If you can move your geometry back to (near) the origin it appears to work as expected.



Thank you! That did the job.

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