Psychrometric Chart Passive Solar Heating polygon... bug?

Hello everyone, I’m new on here, and I’m got into this party relatively late. Thanks for all the great work and for making sure to remain open sourced!

I came across a problem which I haven’t seen mentioned so far in the forum, and I’d like a little feedback. I’ll cut to the chase by posting a few screen caps.

I usually start off by defining my comfort polygon first, and I always set a low boundary at about 20% HREL (highlighted in red).

Trouble comes in when I plug in the Solar Heating passive strategy I’m interested in, as it’s shown up in the wrong place of the chart.

Further trouble ahead if I also check the Internal Heat Gain strategy, the Solar Heating outline for the polygon fails.

Now, if I turn the humid ratio low boundary to 0.000 (red-highlighted panel) things get back on track, even while having multiple strategies checked.

I’m also curious about how the low boundary for the Solar Heating strategy is defined, as it seems to change in combination with or without the Internal Gains strategies. Here it’s at 2°C which knowing this particular climate seems a bit too low to me, but also depends on factors like building envelope and glazing ratio.


Anyway, hope someone finds this thing curious enough and of course I’d like to find out more about this issue! Greetings from Bariloche, Argentina.