Question about zone name rules

Hello everyone,

I have a project with more than 1000 zone, i really need to understand zone naming rules. It looks like randomly. I tried many things but i didnt.

Do you have any tips for the arrange the zone names like clockwise or other rules, otherwise should i make it zone by zone without Honeybee_Masses2Zones?


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Hi @oguzhankoral
I typically use Layers in Rhino to manage the zones and use Laybug_sortByLayer to get its layer name and assign it as names:



Thanks for your quick response and good explanation @MingboPeng. :slight_smile: I just downloaded the Ladybug_SortByLayers to try your way. I hope it will be easier to arrange zones.


Hello @MingboPeng. I tried using sort layer and its working too. But when i try to see the zone name through honeybee zone attribute component, the text dispalyed on zones are not clear. Is this a bug?

Hi @Asisnath
Please remove flatten (right click the input) on this “_zoneMasses” input.

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Thanks it worked @MingboPeng.:ok_hand:

Hi Minbo,

Where did you download this module? I cannot find it anywhere.


Hi @ElzineBraasch Laybug_sortByLayer compotent is in Ladybug after you installed ironbug.

And here is the download link of ironbug.

This is the screenshot of ironbug.

Awesome thank you! :slight_smile:


I have been having trouble linking HB_IntersectMasses -> LB_SortByLayers -> HB_Masses2Zones.

Am I doing something wrong or is this not possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. (541.5 KB)

Can you post a screenshot?

Sure thing :+1:

@ajeb any chance that you internalized the brep?

Yes the BREP on the left is Internalised.

@ajeb internalized brep has no Rhino layers data. It has to be the reference object from Rhino.

@oguzhankoral were you successful in finding a good solution for zone naming? I have the same challenge.

@MingboPeng is Ironbug only available for Windows? I am using Mac and not able to install it.

Hi All,

Just had to re-install everything on a new computer but cannot locate SortbyLayers as a component in the new ironbug installation. Has it been removed / moved elsewhere?

Thanks for any assistance.