Hi @chris,
In order to deconstruct and reconstruct zones I need to read honeybee surface information like:
- surface name
- surface type
- boundary condition
- Eplus construction
For surface name and surface type I can use the Honeybee_AskMe component which realy works well.
For the other information I have to use the Honeybee_Label Zone Surfaces component which gives me the right information but also does a lot of other things which makes it unnecessary slow. For a tiny 6 zone house it already takes more then two seconds. I would like to know which lines of code I could ad to the Honeybee_AskMe component in order to get this information without text sizing etc.
import scriptcontext as sc
# call the objects from the lib
hb_hive = sc.sticky"honeybee_Hive"
HBObjectsFromHive = hb_hive.visualizeFromHoneybeeHive(_HBObjects)
> for HBO in HBObjectsFromHive:
> print HBO
except Exception, e:
print “Honeybee has no idea what this object is! Vviiiiiiz!”