Radiance 5.3 and the missing false color legend

Hi community

We know from previous discussions here that with radiance 5.2 the false color renders do not include a legend, but a downgrade to 5.1 solves this problem.

Today I tried Radiance 5.3 with the latest legacy HB but the legend is missing with this version as well.
Do you have any insight if this is a known issue on the Honeybee or Radiance side?

As there are many improvements in Radiance 5.3, it’s a shame to be stuck with 5.1 because of this minor issue.


Hi @farhang.tahmasebi, Radiance 5.3 actually comes with the compiled falsecolor command for Windows. That means that we can stop using wxfalsecolor all together. I have yet to try it but the commands are very similar so it shouldn’t be that hard.

Can you try the command on your machine from the command line and see how it works. Here is the manual: https://www.radiance-online.org/learning/documentation/manual-pages/pdfs/falsecolor.pdf

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