Can someone provide a simple radiator example that has been set up in Ironbug? Or maybe a simpler approach via Honeybee?
To give a bit of background, I want to model a zone where the only system present is a radiator that is fed hot water via a boiler and there is no sort of mechanical ventilation present in the space (just natural ventilation). I want to get the rise in the air temperature in a way that represents the actual situtation i.e temperature rises gradually and not instantly as happens in the IdealAirLoads system. I am doing a 1-minute timestep so getting this right is crucial.
Hi @StefanosPapathanasopoulos
You can use “Baseboard” component for the radiator.
Here is an example: (541.2 KB)
Thanks for the response. I actually found this yesterday while digging in the forum.
Does what I wanted - thanks for developing this.
One question though, when I’m changing the design water flow rate, I am not seeing any difference in the fluctuation of the air temperature. Shouldn’t this have an impact over this, in the same manner as the output water temperature has?
The system is controlled by zone’s demand.
If your system just need water flow rate X to maintain room setpoint temperature Y, it would just use X water flow rate even you can supply 10X. But it will be affected if you set design water flow rate to 0.5X when it needs X.