Re-occurrent Failed to Import


I am having an issue where all my ladybug components will regularly stop working and I will get a “Failed to Import Honeybee” or “Failed to import lbt_recipes”, etc. error message on all my components. Sometimes when I un-install and re-install ladybug it will work again, but not always. It will work for a little while and then randomly stop working. I have added the correct path to “Edit Python Script” in grasshopper, so my path is correct and should not be the issue. I hope this is clear, let me know if you need me to clarify any parts of this issue. I have also run the .bat file with rhino closed.

This will always fix it but you have to use the correct path and you have to restart Rhino/Grasshopper afterward for it to work.

How did you install Ladybug Tools in the first place? Did you use the Food4Rhino installer or the single-click Pollination installer?

The two currently have pretty different means of setting the IronPython path.