Removing unoccupied intervals from comfort plot and metrics

Dear LBT developers,

If you find some time to look into my very simple model (34.5 KB), you see that I have trouble finding a way to plot adaptive comfort data and obtain comfort metrics based on occupied intervals only.


  • LB Hourly plot: when I send occupancy data as a second data set to the component, it just plots it on the primary data set (which is not ideal), and when I connect a statement such as “b>0” to cut out vacant intervals, it crashes.
  • LB Comfort Statistics: No input for a secondary data set such as occupancy.

Would these components work if I filter the datasets in advance? I am a bit worried to mess up timestamps, as it is not very explicit in LB data format.

In any case, I think it would be great if LB hourly plot (and perhaps LB Comfort Statistics) allows for such a processing using secondary datasets.

All the best,

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