Reviving Butterfly


So I’m finally back with all the scripting and coding stuff and I took a deeeeep dive into Butterfly and I’ve made Butterfly semi-work in the good year of…2025. With Rhino 8.

So what I want to ask this forum is:

  1. Is there a possibility I can take over the development of Butterfly for Rhino 8?
  2. Is there a possibility I can share my workflow that I have developed from looking through my colleagues’ work?

Caution regarding the second: it requires a bit of knowledge to run things in OpenFOAM shell instead of running everything within GH as we have all been used to, etc. But it is very easy. I just want to know if there is a possibility of developing stuff with this forum.

TIA everyone, cheers.


@mostapha please look into this.

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Hi @alcy6600ff,

You should always feel free to send pull requests to the Butterfly repositories. What did it take to make Butterfly work on Rhino 8? I suspect the bigger part of the effort is to update Butterfly to work with the latest version of OpenFOAM.

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I used the old components and 2017, but basically only used the earlier components to set up the entire model for meshing etc.
Then I ran everything from snappyHexMesh etc in the console for OpenFOAM.